Lead Paint Removal

Rid your home of this toxic additive to keep your loved ones safe from exposure. You’ll breathe easier knowing you’ve protected your family from the dangers of deteriorating lead paint.

Do you have Lead Paint in your home?

Why does my paint really matter?

The mere presence of lead paint in your home or office doesn’t necessarily indicate a health risk. If the paint is still in good shape, it can simply be repainted to protect residents from exposure. The danger from lead paint increases when it’s peeling or otherwise deteriorating, which can lead to the inhalation of lead dust or the swallowing of lead-based paint chips.

Do-Nothing Option

If lead-based paint in your home is in good condition-no chipping or other damage-and no children under the age of 6 live there or visit regularly, you may safely opt to leave the paint untouched. However, if the paint is peeling or chipping, or if intact lead-based paint is on window sills and stair rails and children under 6 are present, begin with hiring us.

How to Identify Lead Paint

If you live in a home built before 1978, we recommend following these procedures when disturbing paint for remodeling, repainting or making repairs unless you know that the surfaces don’t contain lead.

Most homes built before 1950 contain lead paint. If your home was built between 1950 and 1978, it may or may not contain lead paint. The best way is to hire us to check the surfaces you plan to disturb is with a lab analysis of paint chips.