Water Damage Restoration

Coastal Asbestos Removal provides the Carolinas water damage restoration and water removal services. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. Water damage could be a consequence of storm damage or even a broken pipe.

Water damage is a major contributor to loss of property.

What all can be done?

We will help you with your insurance claim and house repair. Coastal responds immediately to any water removal need using advanced equipment and techniques to remove the water quickly to any residential or commercial property. We closely monitor and document the drying process to verify your property is dried properly. We are dedicated to responding immediately to water extraction need or any related emergency.

What should I worry with water damage?

Water damage describes a large number of possible losses caused by water intruding where it will enable attack of a material or system by destructive processes such as rotting of wood, growth, rusting of steel, de-laminating of materials such as plywood, and many others.

Are you covered as an owner?

An insurance policy may or may not cover the costs associated with water damage and the process of water damage restoration. While a common cause of residential water damage is often the failure of a sump pump, many homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover the associated costs without an addendum which adds to the monthly premium of the policy. Often the verbiage of this addendum is similar to “Sewer and Drain Coverage”.

Prefer the best water damage restoration!

With sensational news stories and misleading advertising, you can easily understand why so many people are misinformed about water damage consequences. Our water restoration team will make sure you receive the most accurate assessment for water removal or any other service.